Armour Track Pty Ltd is a designer and builder of integrated racetrack surfaces for the thoroughbred industry, offering racing and training surfaces that are superior to any other product available in the world today. These surfaces incorporate proprietary technology developed by the company.

Armour Track is part of the GSA Group, one of the largest privately owned industrial groups in Australia with annual turnover in excess of $600 Million.

The company's technology was developed in response to the needs of GSA Group's extensive bloodstock interests which required a resilient low maintenance surface for its Pinecliff private training centre near Melbourne. After searching the world to find the best track surfaces, it was found that nothing of sufficient standard existed. Instead it was resolved to research and develop a proprietary track technology and to make that technology commercially available to owners of racetracks and training centres. With an outlay of many millions of dollars of research, it was successfully installed and tested. It has now been operating for more than ten years at Pinecliff and is recognised by independent experts as providing a track surface that is unique in terms of useability, and safety and allowing for dramatically more intensive racing usage in all weather conditions.

The Company has two types of track surface: The "Armour Grass" track for grass racetrack surfaces and the "Armour Sand" sand track. Both are distinguished by dramatically better performance than any other available track products, providing better quality surfaces, better drainage, longer track life, lower whole of life cost and lower maintenance costs.


Armour Track's revolutionary "Armour Grass" grass track is a proprietary track product which features the following:

Super resilient with the ability to comfortably double the number of race meetings held compared to a conventional grass track:


Armour Grass dramatically out-performs any other race track surface, providing a traditional grass track with a sub-surface which is specially reinforced and engineered to enable it to be used much more intensively than a conventional grass surface in all weather conditions. Conventional grass tracks divot and wear out, limiting the amount of racing or work that can be done. The Armour Grass track is super tough and can comfortably provide at least double the number of race meetings a year than provided by a conventional grass track.


"All weather" surface - radically better wet weather performance with no loss of race meetings due to rain:


Armour Grass operates as an "all weather" surface with radically better wet weather performance than other grass tracks and significantly superior drainage and wet weather performance to all synthetic tracks. The Armour Grass track will perform exactly the same in summer and winter with just the right amount of give (between dead and good) whether it has rained two inches or is in the middle of a heat wave.


Cheaper and easier maintenance:


Like all grass tracks Armour Grass requires water and proper care and maintenance, but is much cheaper and easier to maintain because it does not divot. Armour Grass is installed with a "total system" approach and we require and specify that proper civil engineering infrastructure is in place to support the product as many tracks have failed historically because they are required to be installed in isolation with inadequate infra-structure. Armour Track provides a full system of maintenance advice support and protocols as part of a holistic system to minimise human error and make maintenance procedures "groundsman proof".


Superior to Synthetic Tracks in every way, including wet weather performance:


It is universally recognised that grass tracks provide a much better racing surface performance and visual attractiveness compared to synthetic tracks which are seen as a "necessary evil" to ensure race meetings are not called off because of wet weather. In addition, synthetic tracks are expensive to maintain and have limited lives. No-one would want to race on a synthetic track in preference to racing on grass and Armour Grass has all the positives of synthetic tracks and none of the negatives.


Superior track surface and performance compared to any other grass track:


In comparison to other grass surfaces, apart from a better and more consistent surface with no track bias and incredible wet weather performance, the Armour Grass track has a longer track life and much lower maintenance costs. It combines sand and fibre with other engineered components in a specially drained sub-base, topped by grass. It is available to inspect at Pinecliff, which enjoys a resilient all weather grass surface that requires little if any maintenance or recovery time.


The "Armour Sand" product combines sand and fibre in a proprietary all weather specially engineered sand track incorporating a uniquely drained sub-base. Again it combines high performance with long life and low maintenance costs and guarantees a perfect training surface all year round. It has similar mechanical qualities to the Armour Grass track and is the only sand or synthetic track considered by riders to "gallop like grass". It has no petroleum component, unlike most synthetic tracks, thus avoiding high maintenance costs and environmental contamination risk. It requires water for maintenance and is therefore not for use unless there is guaranteed supply of water.